@English Catholic has taken it upon himself to start a character assassination of clergy members on His comments are a clear expression of his ignorance of the facts regarding myself.

I Jonn Miller am a priest in good standing, having been ordained on February 11, 1972. At my ordination, the Bishop gave me the name Abbot Jean-Marie of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Accordingly I am entitled to use the name that was given to me at my ordination.

I was the co-founder of Catholic Doors Ministry with Fr. Maurice Levesque. May God bless his soul. We founded the online ministry on August 22, 1998. For reasons of health, after 25 years as webmaster, I retired on December 19, 2023.

The ownership (and management) of the ministry was legally transferred to a layperson who resides in the district of Aberdeen, SK, Canada. Why the gentleman has not listed his name on the website as the new webmaster, I do not know. You can write to him at and ask him what is his name if your preoccupation with this issue has become a mortal sin on your soul.

Those who find pleasure in attacking the clergy, Ambassadors of Jesus Christ, without cause, other than finding pleasure in gossip and slander are personally attacking the Person of Jesus Christ. They will be judge accordingly. Pray for those evil souls as Satan has a chain around their necks.